Adb kawaida hupatikana katika:
Taarifa iliyopatikana kutoka:
adb devices
Hii itataja vifaa vilivyounganishwa; ikiwa "isiyothibitishwa" inaonekana, hii inamaanisha kwamba unapaswa kuondoa kizuizi kwenye simu yako na kukubali muunganisho.
Hii inaashiria kwa kifaa kwamba kinapaswa kuanzisha na adb server kwenye bandari 5555:
adb tcpip 5555
Unganisha na IP hiyo na Bandari hiyo:
adb connect <IP>:<PORT>
Ikiwa unapata kosa kama ifuatavyo katika programu ya Virtual Android (kama Genymotion):
adb server version (41) doesn't match this client (36); killing...
Ni kwa sababu unajaribu kuungana na seva ya ADB yenye toleo tofauti. Jaribu tu kutafuta binary ya adb ambayo programu inatumia (nenda kwenye C:\Program Files\Genymobile\Genymotion
na tafuta adb.exe)
Vifaa vingi
Wakati wowote unapata vifaa vingi vinavyounganishwa na mashine yako utahitaji kueleza ni kipi unataka kutumia kuendesha amri ya adb.
adb devices
List of devices attached offline device
adb -s shell
x86_64:/ # whoami
Port Tunneling
Ikiwa port ya adb inapatikana tu kutoka localhost kwenye kifaa cha android lakini una ufikiaji kupitia SSH, unaweza kupeleka port 5555 na kuungana kupitia adb:
ssh -i ssh_key username@ -L 5555: -p 2222
adb connect
Meneja Pakiti
adb install [option] <path>
adb install test.apk
adb install -l test.apk # forward lock application
adb install -r test.apk # replace existing application
adb install -t test.apk # allow test packages
adb install -s test.apk # install application on sdcard
adb install -d test.apk # allow version code downgrade
adb install -p test.apk # partial application install
adb uninstall [options] <PACKAGE>
adb uninstall
adb uninstall -k Keep the data and cache directories around after package removal.
Inachapisha pakiti zote, kwa hiari zile tu ambazo jina la pakiti lina maandiko katika <FILTER>.
adb shell pm list packages [options] <FILTER-STR>
adb shell pm list packages <FILTER-STR>
adb shell pm list packages -f <FILTER-STR> #See their associated file.
adb shell pm list packages -d <FILTER-STR> #Filter to only show disabled packages.
adb shell pm list packages -e <FILTER-STR> #Filter to only show enabled packages.
adb shell pm list packages -s <FILTER-STR> #Filter to only show system packages.
adb shell pm list packages -3 <FILTER-STR> #Filter to only show third party packages.
adb shell pm list packages -i <FILTER-STR> #See the installer for the packages.
adb shell pm list packages -u <FILTER-STR> #Also include uninstalled packages.
adb shell pm list packages --user <USER_ID> <FILTER-STR> #The user space to query.
adb shell pm path <PACKAGE>
Chapisha njia ya APK ya iliyotolewa.
adb shell pm path
adb shell pm clear <PACKAGE>
Futa data zote zinazohusiana na kifurushi.
adb shell pm clear
File Manager
adb pull <remote> [local]
Pakua faili maalum kutoka kwa emulator/kipande hadi kompyuta yako.
adb pull /sdcard/demo.mp4 ./
adb push <local> <remote>
Pakia faili maalum kutoka kwa kompyuta yako hadi emulators/kipande.
adb push test.apk /sdcard
adb shell screencap <filename>
Kuchukua picha ya skrini ya onyesho la kifaa.
adb shell screencap /sdcard/screen.png
adb shell screenrecord [options] <filename>
Kurekodi onyesho la vifaa vinavyotumia Android 4.4 (API level 19) na juu.
adb shell screenrecord /sdcard/demo.mp4
adb shell screenrecord --size <WIDTHxHEIGHT>
adb shell screenrecord --bit-rate <RATE>
adb shell screenrecord --time-limit <TIME> #Sets the maximum recording time, in seconds. The default and maximum value is 180 (3 minutes).
adb shell screenrecord --rotate # Rotates 90 degrees
adb shell screenrecord --verbose
(press Ctrl-C to stop recording)
**Unaweza kupakua faili (picha na video) kwa kutumia **adb pull
adb shell
Pata shell ndani ya kifaa
adb shell
adb shell <CMD>
Tekeleza amri ndani ya kifaa
adb shell ls
Amri zifuatazo zinafanywa ndani ya shell
pm list packages #List installed packages
pm path <package name> #Get the path to the apk file of tha package
am start [<options>] #Start an activity. Whiout options you can see the help menu
am startservice [<options>] #Start a service. Whiout options you can see the help menu
am broadcast [<options>] #Send a broadcast. Whiout options you can see the help menu
input [text|keyevent] #Send keystrokes to device
Ikiwa unataka kupata PID ya mchakato wa programu yako unaweza kutekeleza:
adb shell ps
Na utafute programu yako
Au unaweza kufanya
adb shell pidof com.your.application
Na itachapisha PID ya programu
adb root
Inarejesha huduma ya adbd na ruhusa za mzizi. Kisha, unapaswa kuungana tena na seva ya ADB na utakuwa mzizi (ikiwa inapatikana)
adb sideload <>
kuangaza/kurejesha pakiti za Android
Ili kuchuja ujumbe wa programu moja tu, pata PID ya programu na tumia grep (linux/macos) au findstr (windows) kuchuja matokeo ya logcat:
adb logcat | grep 4526
adb logcat | findstr 4526
adb logcat [option] [filter-specs]
adb logcat
Marekebisho: bonyeza Ctrl-C kuacha kufuatilia
adb logcat *:V # lowest priority, filter to only show Verbose level
adb logcat *:D # filter to only show Debug level
adb logcat *:I # filter to only show Info level
adb logcat *:W # filter to only show Warning level
adb logcat *:E # filter to only show Error level
adb logcat *:F # filter to only show Fatal level
adb logcat *:S # Silent, highest priority, on which nothing is ever printed
adb logcat -b <Buffer>
adb logcat -b # radio View the buffer that contains radio/telephony related messages.
adb logcat -b # event View the buffer containing events-related messages.
adb logcat -b # main default
adb logcat -c # Clears the entire log and exits.
adb logcat -d # Dumps the log to the screen and exits.
adb logcat -f test.logs # Writes log message output to test.logs .
adb logcat -g # Prints the size of the specified log buffer and exits.
adb logcat -n <count> # Sets the maximum number of rotated logs to <count>.
dumps data za mfumo
adb shell dumpsys [options]
adb shell dumpsys
adb shell dumpsys meminfo
adb shell dumpsys battery
Marekebisho: Kifaa cha rununu chenye Chaguo za Mendelezo kilichowashwa kinachotumia Android 5.0 au juu.
adb shell dumpsys batterystats collects battery data from your device
Maelezo: Battery Historian inabadilisha data hiyo kuwa uonyeshaji wa HTML. STEP 1 adb shell dumpsys batterystats > batterystats.txt STEP 2 python batterystats.txt > batterystats.html
adb shell dumpsys batterystats --reset erases old collection data
adb shell dumpsys activity
Hifadhi kifaa cha android kutoka adb.
adb backup [-apk] [-shared] [-system] [-all] -f file.backup
# -apk -- Include APK from Third partie's applications
# -shared -- Include removable storage
# -system -- Include system Applciations
# -all -- Include all the applications
adb shell pm list packages -f -3 #List packages
adb backup -f myapp_backup.ab -apk com.myapp # backup on one device
adb restore myapp_backup.ab # restore to the same or any other device
Ikiwa unataka kukagua maudhui ya nakala:
( printf "\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" ; tail -c +25 myapp_backup.ab ) | tar xfvz -
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