110,995 - Pentesting POP


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Informaci贸n B谩sica

Post Office Protocol (POP) se describe como un protocolo dentro del 谩mbito de las redes inform谩ticas y de Internet, que se utiliza para la extracci贸n y recuperaci贸n de correos electr贸nicos de un servidor de correo remoto, haci茅ndolos accesibles en el dispositivo local. Posicionado dentro de la capa de aplicaci贸n del modelo OSI, este protocolo permite a los usuarios obtener y recibir correos electr贸nicos. La operaci贸n de los clientes POP generalmente implica establecer una conexi贸n con el servidor de correo, descargar todos los mensajes, almacenar estos mensajes localmente en el sistema del cliente y, posteriormente, eliminarlos del servidor. Aunque hay tres iteraciones de este protocolo, POP3 se destaca como la versi贸n m谩s empleada.

Puertos predeterminados: 110, 995(ssl)

110/tcp open  pop3


Captura de Banners

nc -nv <IP> 110
openssl s_client -connect <IP>:995 -crlf -quiet


Puedes usar el comando CAPA para obtener las capacidades del servidor POP3.


nmap --script "pop3-capabilities or pop3-ntlm-info" -sV -port <PORT> <IP> #All are default scripts

El plugin pop3-ntlm-info devolver谩 algunos datos "sensibles" (versiones de Windows).

Brute force POP3

Sintaxis POP

Ejemplos de comandos POP de aqu铆

POP commands:
USER uid           Log in as "uid"
PASS password      Substitue "password" for your actual password
STAT               List number of messages, total mailbox size
LIST               List messages and sizes
RETR n             Show message n
DELE n             Mark message n for deletion
RSET               Undo any changes
QUIT               Logout (expunges messages if no RSET)
TOP msg n          Show first n lines of message number msg
CAPA               Get capabilities


root@kali:~# telnet $ip 110
+OK beta POP3 server (JAMES POP3 Server 2.3.2) ready
USER billydean
PASS password
+OK Welcome billydean


+OK 2 1807
1 786
2 1021

retr 1

+OK Message follows
From: jamesbrown@motown.com
Dear Billy Dean,

Here is your login for remote desktop ... try not to forget it this time!
username: billydean
password: PA$$W0RD!Z

Registro de Contrase帽as

Los servidores POP con la configuraci贸n auth_debug habilitada generar谩n m谩s registros. Sin embargo, si auth_debug_passwords o auth_verbose_passwords est谩n configurados como true, las contrase帽as tambi茅n podr铆an registrarse en texto claro en esos registros.

Comandos Autom谩ticos de HackTricks

Protocol_Name:  POP   #Protocol Abbreviation if there is one.
Port_Number:  110     #Comma separated if there is more than one.
Protocol_Description: Post Office Protocol         #Protocol Abbreviation Spelled out

Name: Notes
Description: Notes for POP
Note: |
Post Office Protocol (POP) is described as a protocol within the realm of computer networking and the Internet, which is utilized for the extraction and retrieval of email from a remote mail server**, making it accessible on the local device. Positioned within the application layer of the OSI model, this protocol enables users to fetch and receive email. The operation of POP clients typically involves establishing a connection to the mail server, downloading all messages, storing these messages locally on the client system, and subsequently removing them from the server. Although there are three iterations of this protocol, POP3 stands out as the most prevalently employed version.


Name: Banner Grab
Description: Banner Grab 110
Command: nc -nv {IP} 110

Name: Banner Grab 995
Description: Grab Banner Secure
Command: openssl s_client -connect {IP}:995 -crlf -quiet

Name: Nmap
Description: Scan for POP info
Command: nmap --script "pop3-capabilities or pop3-ntlm-info" -sV -p 110 {IP}

Name: Hydra Brute Force
Description: Need User
Command: hydra -l {Username} -P {Big_Passwordlist} -f {IP} pop3 -V

Name: consolesless mfs enumeration
Description: POP3 enumeration without the need to run msfconsole
Note: sourced from https://github.com/carlospolop/legion
Command: msfconsole -q -x 'use auxiliary/scanner/pop3/pop3_version; set RHOSTS {IP}; set RPORT 110; run; exit'


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